The spread of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza calls for stepped up action, FAO says | FAO News

The spread of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza calls for stepped up action, FAO says | FAO News Green News

©FAO/Isaac Kasamani

Rome – The spread of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza, bringing losses of hundreds of millions of poultry worldwide with increased spillover into mammals, highlights the urgent need for strengthened biosecurity, monitoring & surveillance, rapid-response mechanisms, & risk communication to safeguard the poultry sector & protect livelihoods & economies. That was the message from a briefing by the Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to Member countries here today.

FAO Deputy Director-General Godfrey Magwenzi described the spread of the disease as unprecedented, “leading to serious impacts on food security & food supply in countries, including loss of valuable nutrition, rural jobs & income, shocks to local economies, & of course increasing costs to consumers.”  

Among the complex challenges avian influenza poses are how to protect poultry production systems to ensure food security & the nutrition of the millions who rely on poultry for meat & eggs. Additional challenges revolve around safeguarding biodiversity, livelihoods & safe trade, & preventing social impacts, most often borne by poultry farmers, Magwenzi said.  

Coordinated response needed

FAO Deputy Director-General Beth Bechdol emphasized that this is a transboundary issue requiring a global, coordinated response. “FAO has been on the front lines of tackling this virus for over 20 years – supporting governments in detecting, preventing, & responding to outbreaks,” she said. To strengthen these efforts, FAO & the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) have launched a  ten-year Global Strategy for the Prevention & Control of High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza.

Bechdol highlighted FAO’s role in combating avian influenza & other potential pandemic threats, underscoring the importance of strong veterinary & animal health system capacity in every country. “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. By working together, we can reduce the impact of avian influenza & protect both animal & human health – locally & globally,” she said. 

The last four years have seen a major shift in avian influenza in terms of geographical spread, with increased spillover to mammals & massive losses in domestic birds, impacting food security & driving up prices for poultry products, the Members were told. Large numbers of wild birds have succumbed to the disease, harming biodiversity with at least 300 newly affected wild bird species since 2021​.

FAO called on countries to take several measures to address the global avian influenza challenge:​ 

  • Enhance surveillance & reporting​
  • Improve laboratory capacity​
  • Develop & implement preparedness plans & plan for business continuity​
  • Promote risk management through biosecurity​
  • Consider a potential role for vaccination in risk mitigation​
  • Strengthen outbreak response ​
  • Foster regional & international cooperation​
  • Raise awareness​

Bechdol said “FAO remains fully committed to global monitoring, sharing information, & providing guidance & tools to support all our Member countries tackle this serious threat.” She also emphasized that partnership with the private sector is vital. She described the sector as the key stakeholders in HPAI prevention & control, playing a crucial role in ensuring safe & responsible value chains, developing new technologies for vaccines & diagnostics, & providing good quality animal health services.

Funding proposals call

The meeting also included a third call for funding proposals for initiatives to be undertaken by the Pandemic Fund, hosted by the World Bank, with which FAO has co-led dozens of projects in the last two years.

Pandemic Fund projects aim to improve disease surveillance, develop early warning systems, strengthen health infrastructure, & promote cooperation across human, animal, plant & environmental health sectors. The Fund aims to attract additional resources, incentivize increased investments from countries, enhance coordination among partners, & serve as a platform for advocacy.

Among the other participants in the session were Permanent Representatives from Indonesia & Senegal & representatives from the International Poultry Council, the World Egg Organization & Health for Animals.

More on this topic

Update to FAO Members on Avian Influenza Situation & the Pandemic Fund (3rd call)

Global Strategy for the Prevention & Control of High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza

Pandemic Fund

Source: FAO News

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