cute dog News Release

Size, sex, and breed all influence dogs’ average age at cancer diagnosis

Giant breeds, males and purebr...
Ukraine: New UN survey shows rural households are increasingly affected by the war Green News

Ukraine: New UN survey shows rural households are increasingly affected by the war

Kyiv/Rome – After nine months ...
Olives have more than just liquid gold to offer News Release

Olives can offer more than just "liquid gold"

(By ALEX WHITING, EU Horizon) ...
联合国粮农组织和欧洲复兴开发银行合作迎来25周年,启动550万美元行动计划应对全球粮食危机 Green News


Flood Breaking News

Sea level risks are underestimate by half of US coastal communities

Most regional assessments of sea level rise risks omit high-end scenarios, leading to potentially dangerous underestimates...
索马里:粮农组织呼吁提供充足资金,持续采取大规模拯救生命和生计支持行动,将民众从饥荒的边缘挽救回来 Green News


罗马 — 联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)于今日表示,虽然当...