Three new sites recognized as Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) | FAO News

Three new sites recognized as Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) | FAO News Green News

©Ministry of Agriculture the Republic of Indonesia

Rome – A unique  carp pond farming system in Austria, an agroforestry system cultivating salak, or snake fruit in Bali, Indonesia & the Cocoa Agroforestry System of Sao Tome & Principe, have become the latest additions to Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS).

The systems, formally designated during a meeting of the GIAHS Scientific Advisory Group on September 19, included the first ones to be approved from Indonesia & São Tomé & Príncipe & the second from Austria.

Under the flagship programme of the Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the sites selected are of global importance, demonstrating food & livelihood security, agro-biodiversity, sustainable knowledge systems & practices, social values & culture as well as outstanding landscapes. Many sites showcase excellent practices to render agrifood systems more resilient to climate change, & use biodiversity & manage ecosystems sustainably.

With the newest addition to the global agricultural heritage systems list, FAO’s worldwide agricultural heritage network now consists of 89 systems in 28 countries around the globe. 

Unique Austrian carp pond farming

Carp pond farming in the Waldviertel region of Lower Austria is a unique aquaculture system with a 900-year history. Using low stocking densities & traditional practices, it maintains a biodiverse pond ecosystem that connects to the surrounding forests.

This sustainable practice supports biodiversity, conserves water & preserves cultural heritage through the production of high-quality carp & innovative fish products. The farming system supports the local economy not only through the sale of carp but also by promoting agrotourism & the innovative use of carp leather to create accessories.

Besides producing food, the ponds offer ecological services such as water retention, flood control, & carbon sequestration, helping to regulate the local microclimate. They also serve as important habitats for a variety of species, including birds, insects, & aquatic life, contributing to regional biodiversity.

The maintenance of this diverse ecosystem also helps to preserve the genetic diversity of carp & other species, which is vital for adapting to future environmental changes.

Salak Agroforestry System in Karangasem, Bali 

This agroforestry system in Karangasem, Bali—the driest region on the island—integrates cultivation of the salak – also known as the snakefruit because of its snakeskin-like peel – with diverse crops. It was developed by the Indigenous Balinese People using the traditional subak system of water management.

This enhances biodiversity, conserves water, sequesters carbon, & supports food security, while preserving cultural heritage & sustaining local livelihoods.

Every part of the salak palm is utilized, making it a zero-waste crop. This practice enhances sustainability & resource efficiency. Meanwhile the system integrates salak cultivation with various other crops, including mangoes, bananas, & medicinal plants, creating a rich, biodiverse agricultural landscape.

Rooted in traditional Balinese philosophies like “Tri Hita Karana” & “Tri Mandala,” this system reflects a harmonious relationship between humans, nature, & spirituality that have been listed as UNESCO Cultural Landscapes.

Cocoa Agroforestry System in Sao Tome & Principe

The Cocoa Agroforestry System of Sao Tome & Principe  is known for its high-quality Amelonado cocoa. It combines traditional farming with diverse crops to enhance food security, strengthen the livelihoods of farming families, preserve cultural heritage, & maintain biodiversity. Despite a history of enslavement, inequality, & conflict, this system exemplifies the resilience of its people in their commitment to building sustainable practices & development.

Cocoa is a major source of export income, but the integration of diverse crops like bananas, breadfruit, & taro provides additional food sources & income streams, enhancing resilience against market fluctuations & environmental stresses.

Sao Tome & Principe’s tropical forests are a global conservation priority, being the second highest for bird & fauna conservation among 75 African forests. The country is a leader in organic farming, with over 25 percent of its agricultural land certified for organic production.

Local cooperatives focus on high-quality, fair-trade products & involve both women & men, promoting gender inclusion & improving farmer livelihoods. 

More on this topic

Unique Austrian carp pond farming


Salak Agroforestry System in Karangasem, Bali


Cocoa Agroforestry System in Sao Tome & Principe


Source: FAO News

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